Twelve Banners

Twelve Banners

from $120.00


Large: 18 x 22½ in.
Small: 12 x 15 in.


The twelve tribes of Israel who were led to the promised land of Canaan each had their own banner, or standard, with which their people could identify.  According to history and tradition, the symbols were taken from a variety of sources which ranged from prophetic words to specific events that were significant in the lives of the leader of each tribe. 

Starting at the top and going clockwise:  Dan—Scales or Snake; Asher—Olive Tree; Issacar—Donkey, Sun and Moon; Judah—Lion; Zebulon—Ship; Gad—Tent; Reuben—Water, Mandrakes or Morning Sun; Simeon—Shechem or Crossed Swords; Benjamin—Wolf; Manasseh—Ox; Ephraim—Palm Tree; Naphtali—Hind (Deer).  

Their camp was always in a specific order and those who camped on the north were represented by the eagle, to the east a lion, to the south a man and to the west an ox. 


All prints are part of an authenticated and signed limited edition set. If you would like to know more about the print quality and integrity, please click the link below. 

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