Artist Bio

Marsha lives in San Angelo, Texas.  In 2011, after years of crafts and painting on furniture, her primary interest turned to painting on canvas.  Except for a couple of college freshman 101 classes, she is self taught.  The majority of her pieces have a story to tell.

Artist Statement

In coming up with an “Artist’s Statement” I find myself in the position of having to assemble something other than paint and paper and canvas to communicate my thoughts. So, on a recent visit to an art gallery, near several paintings, there were posted statements and quotes from the artists regarding their work in general. My interest was sparked immediately. Here was a possible framework for me to follow. I was saved. Quotes like “I paint what excites me” and “The longer I paint the more….” opened the door. But “You will mess up every painting so get over it and get free to paint” told it like it is.

I have come to understand that artists are recorders. Their process, whatever the medium, is an intellectual, philosophical and spiritual endeavor. It is often intimate in nature—other times simply fun and unbounded. If I am recording anything it is, most often, the images that have come to me accompanying concepts, thoughts, words or phrases. They are the visual voice that speaks of Truth…that which I, and others, embrace and still others seek.

~ Marsha Vosburg