The Rule of Three

The Rule of Three

from $120.00


Large: 18 x 18 in.
Small: 12 x 12 in.


“Only three may play.  No more no less.  Three primary colors.  Joints required to locate an object in space.  Notes to form a musical chord.  Three points of a triangle, the first geometrical figure.  Incontrovertible fact:  Two straight lines cannot enclose a space.” 

Excerpt from The House At Riverton by Kate Morton

Genesis 1—The Deep, the Spirit and the Word; Ecclesiastes 4:12—A cord of three strands is not quickly broken; Romans 14:17—The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit; I Corinthians 13:13—These Three remain-Faith, Hope and Love; 1 John 5:7-8-Three that testify-Spirit, Water, Blood.


All prints are part of an authenticated and signed limited edition set. If you would like to know more about the print quality and integrity, please click the link below. 

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